Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Sponsorship....worth it at all anymore?

The Olympics has been a huge international world event for a very long time but, besides the athletes being the big show an stars, but also the brands sponsoring them for this huge world event. However, the technology created now Smartphones, Netbooks, Tablets, etc is it even worth the time to have a sponsorship for something? New technology has created a new world for brands to sponsored whether it's just from a simple video or photo to this new social media world created.

In this article "Brands Winning Big at London Olympics" some of the things I read really caught my attention about how strict a Sponsorship has become to be and stay recognized. Being in the Olympics is one thing but to have your own brand be recognized can be a huge deal for a company. Certain amount of brands an endorsements can be in the Olympics and they don't want another brand to over power them right? But social media has caused that to be a bigger issue and the rules to become more strict. Where nowadays it has become so easy for unofficial brands to get recognized in a huge event with one finger. The rules have come to the point of not being able to take photos and videos and uploading them to the certain size of your camera! Is it even worth the time to have a sponsorship anymore?

It's almost like Brands have their own competition; a fight to see who can make it into the Olympics. The Olympics is like the "Holy Grail" especially for brands. Almost everyone sees the Olympics so why not be the perfect place to have a sponsorship for something? It creates that halo effect if someone sees one of their favorite athletes sporting Nike or Adidas it makes them want to go out an get the same because they saw it on the Olympics.

How clever really is a brand? If a sponsorship being worth the time anymore becoming a question in the industry the brand equity should be an important factor for any brand. Making sure from just a logo, slogan, picture that brand name is known always. Some examples could be "All day I dream about sports" Adidas, or just Nike's swoosh sign or their clever slogan's like "Just do it!" Nike I believe is more clever though on getting their brand name known well. Getting through the online restrictions Nike had came up with a clever slogan "Make it Count" never once referring to the Olympic games. It could be inferred its about the games but it could also be inferred on just going for what you want and doing your best at it which allows this slogan to balance out being somewhat a sponsor for the Olympic games but also just another typical Nike campaign.

In my opinion Olympic sponsors should have strict laws but to some point. As time goes forward newer and bigger things are going to come a long. People have the technology to get what they want out too and it could either hurt or help a sponsorship. Who's to say that going to a world event someone shouldn't be allowed to take a video or a picture while cheering their favorite athlete on? Or just some of the nice features they see being at the Olympics venue? I think a sponsorship should look at what we have today and what people can do and include them not exclude them.

How it all begins...

How did I start blogging, how did I get into this? where does it begin? As a current high school student enrolled in the program Interactive Media and Digital Design I take you through the epic journey of what this class is about. Whether it's from designing such a simple thing, to working for companies, or just learning ways to be successful in the marketing world one day. This class is not just about business and marketing but also looking at from the perspective of design too. This class brings out the inner artistic and business oriented in all of us. Some of us may be better at design or graphics, while some of us are just better at a business perspective but, we come together to create something great. Going into this class there were some worries, shyness, quietness, but eventually we all began to open up the more the days went by, being in this class. We find out some of the neat things we do and having our first clients from the senior DECA marketing class. I know that i've only been in this class for about five weeks but I believe that this year I am going to learn a lot that is going to help me in my future. I am very excited to see what this year is going to bring, the closer I get with the people in my class, and all the clients and businesses i'll get to see.