Thursday, September 27, 2012

How it all begins...

How did I start blogging, how did I get into this? where does it begin? As a current high school student enrolled in the program Interactive Media and Digital Design I take you through the epic journey of what this class is about. Whether it's from designing such a simple thing, to working for companies, or just learning ways to be successful in the marketing world one day. This class is not just about business and marketing but also looking at from the perspective of design too. This class brings out the inner artistic and business oriented in all of us. Some of us may be better at design or graphics, while some of us are just better at a business perspective but, we come together to create something great. Going into this class there were some worries, shyness, quietness, but eventually we all began to open up the more the days went by, being in this class. We find out some of the neat things we do and having our first clients from the senior DECA marketing class. I know that i've only been in this class for about five weeks but I believe that this year I am going to learn a lot that is going to help me in my future. I am very excited to see what this year is going to bring, the closer I get with the people in my class, and all the clients and businesses i'll get to see.

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