Monday, December 3, 2012

Yearbook Design

Creating an option for the yearbook design was probably one project I struggled with. I think I struggled with this project because it is the design over 1,000 students may see. I am not saying I want my designs to be chosen but I did put a lot of effort into creating these designs. For my first design I thought mainly trying to stick to black and gold. I tried to recreate what our parking lot sort of looks like with gravel and paw prints with student names or companies written in it. However, when I got critiqued on my first design it was rough but I knew I had to make my second design better. The yearbook staff doesn't go for paw prints or our typical black and gold logo look. For my second design I tried to focus on our mascot a tiger. Although, not a picture of a clip art tiger but an actual tiger. I really liked the affect of having a black and white tiger but bringing out the gold in his eyes and words. I played with filters until I got a cool design for his face and created a shadow effect to make it look as if his face was descending in the background. The yearbook staff has chose the quote "every ending is a new beginning' so with the shadow of the tigers face kind of incorporates with the meaning of the quote. The ending is just the start of a new beginning. Even though I struggled with this project I did enjoy it and I am satisfied with my second design.

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