Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Harlem Shake

The Harlem Shake was a dance originated back in the 80s it was brought back by a rapper in one of his videos. It was where one person is just going crazy in a room full of as many people and they're just dancing while everyone else is being serious. Once the beat drops the room goes crazy and everyone is dancing to the song doing whatever.

Coming to class on tuesday one of us had saw this video and had mentioned the idea of trying to get all of us to do this to promote the one stop prom shop. Everyone seemed to love the idea and it sounded fun. We had planned everything out that wednesday who was going to be the one singled out in the beginning doing the dance, and what everyone else would be wearing or doing once the beat dropped and everyone was going crazy. We had shot it that thursday and it ended up turning out to be very successful and fun.

It was just released yesterday on youtube and we are already up to 898 youtube views and currently being favorited on facebook and twitter. Overall, it was just another way to promote the one stop prom shop through social media and catch more peoples attention. It was very fun and I enjoyed every minute of it. Check us out!

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