Wednesday, February 20, 2013


One Stop Prom Shop has become one hell of a journey for interactive media and Deca class. We have all become one big family in order to make this huge event better than the year before. One Stop Prom Shop featured on March 3rd, at the Natatorium in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio is truly a great event for people looking advice on making their prom one of the greatest nights. One Stop Prom Shop has become an icon for some of its huge features such as the morph suits , fashion show, the raffles , and all the great prizes. This event has helped people find the place for the perfect dress or tux, wear to get hair and nails  done, the best place to eat or where to find the best flowers. Every prom need is right here at the One Stop Prom Shop.

But back to how this all even got started. At first Deca had came to imdd asking for help on what we didn't think could end up taking all of us Junior and Senior Deca and Imdd. Imdd thought we were just helping planning the assembly to promote people to go not turning it into a huge deal. However, it did we began to realize we were getting into more than what we expected. Those who chose to be a morph and perform a dance begin to become more irritated and tired of the same routine practice every day no matter how much our teacher kept pushing them and telling them it is going to be great and only a few more weeks left. Everyone was just waiting for this be done and over with because of how much it has taken and the pressure it has put on our classes especially the juniors since they have had to build this whole event up from the very bottom. Along with the morph suit dance there was a video , a game show and also all the audience involvement  we had to present to get more people to come to the One Stop Prom Shop.

Overall, even though it has taken up a lot of our class it is going to turn out to be something great and better than the year before. It is really coming along and there is so much more. We have become one big family and work hard to make this really successful. I know after it is all over we're not going to have much to do but we'll be able to share the memories we created to share because of this great event !

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